Free Lecture: Dr. Jean Ciborowski Fahey will present and discuss her book on November 7th at 3:45 in the Lebanon High School. Please enter through Hanover St. School.
Jean Ciborowski Fahey PhD is the co-founder and Education Director of the South Shore Hospital Reading Partnership,an early literacy training and education program for expectant parents and other adults who live and work with young children. She has also taught at Lesley University in the language and literacy graduate program.
Before the Reading Partnership, she spent 15 years engaged in teaching and clinical work with children with reading difficulties at Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital. She is the author of Textbooks and the Students Who Can’t Read Them and Executive Producer of Raising Readers a short film for preschool children, their parents and teachers published on . Her latest book is Make Time for Reading: A Story Guide for Parents of Babies and Young Children. More about Dr. Fahey and her book at